Thursday, February 14, 2013

Car Dealerships and Proactive Reputation Management

The industry of selling used vehicles is a rewarding one to get into, but as with selling anything that isn't brand new, customers are always going to have their doubts until they warm up to your company – especially in smalltown areas. That's why used car dealers in NJ need to pay attention to their brand's reputation more than many other types of industries – it should be clean as a whistle from the get-go to eliminate any potential doubts in the customers' minds. 

The obvious place to start with reputation management is to have sound work ethic. The better your customer service, the less there will be to complain about.

However, the occasional disgruntled customer is inevitable for any company. Hence, the second most important thing is to maintain interaction with customers. Show that your customer service department is available to address both compliments and complaints and to take suggestions. It helps to have social media profiles and your phone number readily available on your page. This way, it shows that you care about what the customer has to say and have nothing to hide.

One trick is to always keep track of competitor dealerships and their compliments and/or complaints. Read their online reviews and see what seems to be working for them, versus what they have done to aggravate a customer. Albeit not in direct response to said review, use this to advertise for your own company. Did someone complain about the cost of a service? Advertise your cheap prices. This gives you a better relative reputation.

And, the bottom line is to give memorably exceptional service. Be especially polite, offer something free (like a top off of wiper fluid with an oil change, for example) to make the customers come back, or make a personal connection with a customer by sending them a thank-you card. Whatever you do, if it's positive and memorable, it gives you a better reputation and keeps the customers coming back.

Monday, February 11, 2013

Get Social: Marketing your Dealership Online

In this day and age, businesses really can't get away with a lack of online presence. Not only does your website need to be in tip-top condition, but more and more businesses are making social media profiles through which to interact with clients, spread the word about deals, and create a brand personality. That being said, it's confusing and difficult to run a Facebook page for a car dealership, is it not? If you want your page to generate some 'likes,' be interactive, and generally stand out among the rest, here are some posts you need for your page.

Locality-Specific Posts
Small dealerships are obviously only going to be well-known in their own area, so they should definitely play off that. However, simply posting "Used Cars for Sale in NJ!" isn't going to cut it – you've got to create content users want to see, want to 'like,' and want to share. Post a picture of one of your really nice cars parked at a well-loved local landmark, or talk about taking that brand new vehicle on a trip to Wildwood. Even root for the local sports teams. Show that you've got enthusiasm about your area to reach out to others nearby.

Customer Testimonials
Ask customers to let you take pictures of them happy in their new vehicles, or videos talking about their experiences at the dealership. This will draw the attention of that customer's friends and family, because who doesn't want to be internet famous for a day? Plus, there's the added bonus of showing that everyday people – maybe even someone that other social media users know - are happy with the service you provide.

Car-Lover Posts
Don't be afraid to put up a picture of a brand new vehicle that just came out, even if you're a used car dealership. Or, ask the users what their dream vehicle is, or their favorite color for a certain model. Show your enthusiasm for the industry and get other car-lovers interacting with the page. This will make the page look active and up-to-date in the car world, which is always a good thing.

Funny Posts
You can never go wrong posting a funny internet meme. Social media users are quick to like and share these because they're funny and something of an inside joke of the internet. As long as you can find one that's relevant to your industry or a current event, you're golden – it gives the page personality and shareability.